Since 2016

 Meet the BUILDER

Our story

It all began with an invite to build a gun for a friend.

Growing up I learned from my dad the art of being a craftsman. We always had a wood shop I spend countless hours in the sawdust learning how to design and build in order to make ideas come to fruition.

Surfing and watersports was always in my life and eventually I picked up spearing. It started when Gavin, my neighbor, who was a commercial fisherman and avid diver invited me to go offshore and after seeing him bring back yellowtail and dorado I was hooked. He found out I did carpentry and asked if I could build him a gun if he provided the parts for us to each have a gun. My drive to make a concept come to fruition kicked in and needless to say I have been obsessed with gun building ever since.

Building guns has two elements for me. First, selfishly I want a gun that works and second I thrive on helping others find a gun that works for them.

This is “our” story because building these guns has been team effort from the feedback on dive trips to the people who let me use their pool to relentlessly test new guns. Even other gun builders who share their ideas have played a role in the art and craft of custom speargun building. Each person has helped and continues to help develop what makes up a gun that will function as good as it looks.


Build quality custom wood spearguns that function well and carry a unique beauty custom to you the diver.

And for those looking to shoot a timeless and artistic aesthetic deliver an inspiring gun for the journey.

The speargun needs to shoot accurately and be sturdy to last a lifetime so they can be handed down or gifted to the next generation of divers. Using quality Iroko wood and a durable epoxy finish these guns hold up to the harsh saltwater and elements we face as divers.